Apply to be a Student Trainer for 2024-2025
There are 18 Gee-Gees student trainers working with uOttawa varsity teams each year, and the deadline to apply for the student trainer course (in order to become a student trainer) is coming up.
Wednesday, November 1st is the deadline for 2024-2025. If you are interested, please submit your resume and cover letter to Head Athletic Therapist, Crissy McPhee
- Be enrolled in a health-oriented program; preferably Human Kinetics or Physiotherapy
- Have your First Aid and CPR/AED certifications
- It is also recommended to have done the 'Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries' (APA 3125/3525) as it covers the basics that you will need to know
Student Trainer Class
The required class to become a student trainer is from January to April for 3 hours per week one evening. It is not for credits and will cost between $40 and $50 and is meant to train you to work for the following school year as a student trainer with a varsity team. Additionally, you will need to do 2-3 volunteer clinic hours with one of our Athletic Therapist as well as shadowing with a current student trainer. This is a competitive course (14-16 spots) to get into and only some are selected for a student trainer position based on the performance in class.
Being a Student Trainer
- Great experience but also demands a high level of commitment (you are an integral part of the team!)
- You get paid through the work study program per semester
- Every team has at least 2 student trainers (you are not alone in this!)